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packaged unit中文是什么意思

用"packaged unit"造句"packaged unit"怎么读"packaged unit" in a sentence


  • 成组装置
  • 封装部件小型装置可移动装置
  • 整套机组
  • 整装机组


  • To understand how to use the various tools included with the wtp and the derby plug - ins , import the application as a war file , the standard packaging unit for web applications , which is in a jar file format
    为了理解如何使用随wtp附带的不同工具以及derby插件,请将应用程序作为war文件导入, war是web应用程序的标准打包单元,其文件格式为jar 。
用"packaged unit"造句  
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